Comedy Clubhouse is an interactive, semi-improvised, standup show, hosted by Andrew George and Bob Place. The show has been described as the "Ninja Warrior Course of Comedy". Every Clubhouse features 13 comedians, and no 2 shows are ever the same.
Comics must to do 4 things during their 5 minute set:
— Answer the Question of the Week
— Prepared Material
— Crowd Work
— Respond to a topic from "The Wheel"
Throughout the show, the hosts remain on stage to interject with jokes as the performers come up with new material on the spot. If this sounds confusing, don't worry, that's half the fun!
1 Minute Clip Showing the Format
PLEASE NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS: Attendees are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the venue. If there is a medical reason preventing someone from being vaccinated, the attendee is required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result that is no older than 3 days prior to the show’s date in order to enter the venue. There are no exceptions.
Masks are required to be worn at all times (except when eating or drinking or performing).
$10 Adv – $15 Door
Doors @ 10 PM (proof of vaccination is required to enter; masks must be worn at all times)
Advance ticket sales end one hour prior to door time. All ticket sales are final. No refunds.