Red Light Café, Atlanta, GA
Doors @ 8pm
Admission is FREE
Thanks for joining me, everyone. First things first, you need to be aware of what you've gotten yourself into. You may have signed up for this thinking it was going to be some easy-breezy walk in the park, but the truth is things might get ugly. Life isn't all sunflowers and butterflies, pal! Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to get things done.
And that's what's going to happen at The Iceberg's May show, where the theme is DIRTY WORK! Listen to our in intrepid yarn-spinners as they stuff your earholes with tales of unpleasant tasks, unwanted decisions, unsettling environments, and all manner of undesirable outcomes. Sure, stories may involve WORK, but be warned, they also may be DIRTY. Bring a fan to fan yourself should you be taken with the vapors or feel a spell coming on!
Listen to the following shady characters as they roll up their sleeves and get right into the thick of it:
Brooke Hatfield
Daniel Lamb
Lance Colley
Hilary Kelley
Chuck Porterfield
Jon Carr
And as always, your host most unsavory, Cory Byrom.
There's no official cover charge, so pay what you want, you filthy animals!
Start drinking at 8, start listening at 8:45!