NO SHOW TONIGHT! Sorry, folks. Due to the wintry weather conditions these past few days impacting performers and attendees, tonight's show will be postponed...
We’re always counting: the beats of a measure, the minutes to midnight, the moments in between. We live in those in-betweens - the breath before the first note, the pause between beats, the silence just after. Life is a numbers game: counting up, counting down, getting lost in the rhythm, finding meaning in the patterns, and uncovering the stillness and the frenzy where time seems to dissolve. With stripped-down performances and works by masters of musical precision like Stephen Sondheim, Jason Robert Brown, and William Finn, these songs and stories uncover the invisible structure of numbers beneath the chaos of emotion.
$10 Adv – $15 Doors
Doors @ 8 PM
Advance ticket sales end one hour prior to door time. All ticket sales are final. No refunds.