TDawg Presents is proud to present former member of Old Crow Medicine Show, Grammy-nominated artist Mason Via, who has branched out to create his own mark!
“Mason Via is one of the best of the new generation of bluegrass players and this album makes that perfectly clear. Driving mash grass, sweet ballads, new bluegrass classic songs and country hits that could well end up on the radio are all right here in your hand. Mason goes a bit beyond traditional grass with some unusual progressions and surprising arrangements making these songs a delight to any ear whether familiar with bluegrass or not. With this his first bluegrass record ,Mason is stepping out on his own and his future is“wide open”. You’re gonna hear a lot from this guy, enjoy your first taste!” —Vince Herman of Leftover Salmon
It took four quick years for Mason Via to become one of the newest leaders of modern-day American roots music. During that whirlwind period, he toured the world as a member of Old Crow Medicine Show, earned a Grammy nomination for his work on the band's chart-topping album Jubilee, contributed songs to Grammy Winning and Nominated records by Molly Tuttle and Del McCoury Band, and released his solo debut, New Horizons. The momentum continues with Mason Via, a self-titled solo record that balances the progressive with the timeless, reintroducing Mason as a southern storyteller and sharp-eyed singer/songwriter steeped in the bluegrass tradition.
By the early 2020s, he'd already flown the flag for bluegrass and folk music on prime-time TV as an American Idol contestant, completed multiple tours as the youngest member of Old Crow Medicine Show, and collaborated with artists like Sierra Ferrell — another Appalachian export who, like him, put her own spin on the music of the mountains.
Mason's new self-titled recording is absolutely fantastic, full of soul and fine picking.
Local favorite Ralph Roddenbery kicks off the evening with what promises to be a top tier set of brilliant and witty songwriting. This is going to be a fantastic night!
$20 Adv – $25 Doors
Doors @ 7 PM
Advance ticket sales end one hour prior to door time. All ticket sales are final. No refunds.